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How It Works

When you subscribe, a Welcome Kit is immediately shipped to you with an introduction to team-building and an activity to jump start your team-building efforts. The Welcome Kit includes TeamBox binders for each team member plus all the materials you’ll need to get started right away.

Each month, you’ll receive a new TeamBox kit with information about the area of development, instructions for the team activity, materials for each team member, and resources for taking the learning experience deeper.

Quarterly, your TeamBox kit will include a strategically selected book for each member to read along with chapter discussion guides developed specifically for cultivating team knowledge, skills, and relationships.

By setting aside as little as 1-2 hours a month to develop your team, you can reap the rewards of targeted and consistent team-building designed to help your team thrive.

What’s inside? 

  • TeamBox binder for each team member for organizing monthly materials
  • Quarterly book to foster collective learning
  • Chapter discussion guides for the book to spark targeted reflection & dialogue

Inside each monthly TeamBox you’ll find:

  • Executive summary with a synopsis of the key concepts
  • Facilitator guide outlining learning objectives, materials, and modifications 
  • Step-by-step instructions for the team-building activity
  • Materials for the activity
  • Debrief & Discussion guide for sharing insights and observations
  • On Your Own worksheets for individual team members to go deeper
  • Reading & Reflections guide for additional learning and development

Facilitated Team-building Packages

In addition to the ongoing team-building provided through TeamBox, we offer facilitated team-building packages that are tailored to meet your needs. Contact us to learn how we can help you bring out the best in your team. Visit Excelsa Group to learn more about our consulting services.

You can spend hours each month researching the best team-building activities, finding or creating the materials, and planning the session. Or, you can simply subscribe to TeamBox, schedule a monthly team meeting, and open the kit with all the materials prepared and ready to go.

Good things happen to a team when a player takes the place where he adds the most value. Great things happen when all the players on the team take the role that maximizes their strengths—their talent, skill, and experience.

– John C. Maxwell